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2004-04-15 - 10:30 a.m.

After several weeks back here in the states I am discovering more and more how little I belong here.

I definitely don't fit in with civilians anymore.

I'm losing my goddamn mind with their fucking dumbass questions....

"How was iraq?"

"Was it hot?"

"Did you shoot anyone?"

"Do you think we should be there?"

the list just goes on and on....

For anyone who cares, Iraq sucked ass. Yes, it was hot. Yes, I killed the enemy. Yes, I think americans need to be there and will need to be for a long time.

And I don't give a flying fuck what you think about us being there, what you think about President Bush, or what we should or shouldn't do in Iraq, so don't fucking tell me.

Christ, goddamn civilians spend an hour watching CNN and are suddenly experts on military strategy and want to tell ME how to do my goddamn job. Fuckoff.

Anyway, i'm off to get plowed. Have a nice day.

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