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2004-05-19 - 10:41 p.m.

The fuckin army will never cease to amaze me.

After talking to the re-enlistment NCO, these are the options I was given:

1. Re-enlistment for 4 years in a non-deployable unit in Alaska

2. OPFOR in Ft. Irwin, CA

3. Staioned with 1st ID, who should be returning to Germany from Iraq a month or two after I get to the unit.

Who would've thought it'd be so fucking hard to go back to a war zone? I know for a fact that 2nd ID is out there and will be for quite some time, and is in desperate need of people right now, but for some reason re-enlisting to go to a unit that is deployed and terribly short handed is apparantly not an option. Unfuckingbelievable. When I offer to go back, they won't let me. When my time is up and I'm ready to get the fuck out of the army, they're probably gonna put out a stop-loss and keep me in.

Fucking pricks.

I really just don't know what to do right now. They're not giving me the option to go back to Iraq, which was the only reason I'd re-enlist, and I can't fucking take being here anymore.

Fuck it, i'm gonna get so fuckin wasted tonight that I'm still drunk tomorrow morning when i go to work. I'm gonna show up with a 4 foot long dildo, assrape everyone with it, and then beat them upside the head with a banana.

Yeah, that'll work


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