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2004-02-19 - 2:26 p.m.

On march 1st my unit will move onto an airfield and stop doing combat operations. The rest of our time is just gonna be spent getting ready to go home.

Fucking finally.

In 10 days the only threat we'll have to deal with is mortars. No more RPG's flying over our heads, no more feeling the burst of air hit your face as AK-47 rounds pass within inches of your fucking nose. No more walking through fields where a bradley hit a land mine an hour beforehand. No more kicking in doors not knowing if the guy on the other side is asleep or waiting for you with a weapon in his hands. No more washing the blood out of the seat of a Bradley after one of your guys got hit in the chest with an RPG.

There's something I'll never forget. The day SSG Panchott was killed. An RPG penetrated the Bradley, went through his body armor straight through his heart and killed him. Later that day I was at the motor pool (big fucking parking lot for bradleys) with his platoon washing the blood out of the seats. No matter how many times we sprayed that thing with the pressure washer, that fucking blood just kept coming. Now there's an image I'd love to forget. I don't think it'll happen anytime soon though.

Anyway, on a more positive note, once we get back I'll have about 14 grand to blow on a car and musical equipment. I've decided that I'm going to walk into guitar center and just ask who'd like to make their month's commission in about an hour, cause I'll be spending quite a few thousand dollars that day.

Yesh, lots of musical toys. Life doesn't get any better. And beer, lots and lots of beer.

The band is on a fucking roll. Turtle has been playing gigs the entire time we've been gone, so there are plenty of gauranteed gigs once "Derr" and I get back.

We've also been accomplishing a massive amount of shit online. Paying has been up and running for quite a while now, and we've been getting an incredible amount of promotion and merchandising done. We now have T-shirts and stickers, links on more sites than i could count, all the copyrights are done, minor contracts are in the works.

Shit's gonna be hectic when we get back.

But then, that's the part of this business that I live for.

Word bitch, phantoms like a motherfucker.

Piss off and have a nice day.

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